
検索キーワード「l death note movie」に一致する投稿を表示しています

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5 Things We Want In Netflix S Death Note Movie  To prep for watching “Jujutsu Kaisen 0,” the theatrical prequel to the massively successful “Jujutsu Kaisen” anime TV series and manga, this reviewer consulted an The Death Note franchise is a supernatural crime thriller and battle of wits, but the 17 movie mostly focuses on the "crime thriller" part of that conceptMeanwhile, the anime is a real treat for the brain, as both Light and L are brilliant young men with all sorts of cunning tricks and ploys to use against each other Later, the same is true when Light/Kira clashes in a three L movie vs anime

L Change The World 動画 319537-L Change The World 動画

L change the WorLd 08 日本 邦画 ドラマ キラと呼ばれ、デスノートを使って犯罪者なき“新世界の神”になろうとした夜神月と、キラの正体を突き止め、事件を終わらせようとしていたL。 2人の天才の熾烈を極めた攻防戦が最終局面を迎えようとしていた頃