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Thus, we have u(x,y) = A(x)exy2 (c) Integrating the first PDE and the second PDE gives u = c 1(y)x c 2(y) and u = c 3(x)y c 4(x), respectively Equating these two functions gives u = axy bx cy k Alternatively, uxx = 0 gives u = c 1(y)x c 2(y) Then from uyy = 0, we get uyy = c′′ 1xc′′2 = 0, hence c′′ 1 = 0,c′′2 = 0I j h n _ k k b h g Z e v g u c i Z d _ l,O n e c a n so lv e fo r th e v a ria b le s x an d y in te rm s of a 5 b g c s d ;

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FOL Semantics (6) Consider a world with objects A, B, and C We’ll look at a logical languge with constant symbols X, Y, and Z, function symbols f and g, and predicate symbols p, q, and rA n d t h o s e e x p e c t a t i o n s a r e g e n e r a l l y u n observable As reviewed briefly in the next section, past r e s e a r c h e r s h a v e t r i e d t o m e a s u r e s u c h e x p e c t a t i o n s i n s e v e r a l ways, none of which is completely c o n v i n c i n gFind (s p)(x) for f and g below s(x) = 4x2 8x 8 (29) p(x) = x 4 (30) Find (g f q)(t) for g, f, and q below q(t) = p x (31) f(t) = x2 (32) g(t) = 5x9 (33) Find (f g h j)(x) for the functions below HINT Look at f and think about what will happen to it no matter what we plug into f j(x) = 4x9 3sin(x) (34) h(x) = ln(x) (35) g(x) = 4x (36

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Answer (1 of 2) a is the amplitude of the function It affects the yvalue of the graph When a > 1, the graph is stretched When 0 < a < 1, the graph is squeezed A negative a causes the function to flip vertically b and c modify the horizontal values b stretches the graph by a magnitude ofN˘p 4 Transformations Let Y = g(X) where g R !R Then F Y(y) = P(Y y) = P(g(X) y) = Z A(y) p X(x)dx where A(y) = fx g(x) yg The density is p Y(y) = F0 Y (y) If gis strictly monotonic, then p Y(y) = p X(h(y)) dh(y) dy where h= g 1 Example 3 Let p X(x) = e x for x>0 Hence F X(x) = 1 e x Let Y = g(X) = logX Then F Y(y) = P(Y y) = P(log(XM e n d e d C h a n g e s t o P u b l i c a t i o n s a n d B l a n k F o r m s ) t o H e a d q u a r t e r s , D e p a r t ment of the Army, Deputy Chief of Staff, G–3/5/7 (DAMO–ODM), 400 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 310–0400 Committee management AR 15–1 re

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Y″ p(t) y′ q(t) y = 0 (**) Note that the two equations have the same lefthand side, (**) is just the homogeneous version of (*), with g(t) = 0 We will focus our attention to the simpler topic of nonhomogeneous second order linear equations with constant coefficients a y″ b y′ c y = g(t) Where a, b, and c are constants, aAuthor Created Date PM

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